Video Age International March-April 2012

CONFERENCES April 14–19, 2012 EXHIBITS April 16–19 Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada USA FREE Exhibits-only Pass Use code PA03 The great content shift — the demand for content anytime, anywhere— has set in motion a kaleidoscope of infinite consumption options with unlimited potential for businesses in-the-know. Broader-casting® professionals are leading the evolution by building on future-focused strategies that can thrive in an ever-shifting environment. Collaborating across screens and leveraging multiplatform distribution, and uncovering solutions for the creative process, interoperability, branding, advertising and funding, they’re expanding profitability in a global economy. NAB Show®, the world’s largest media and entertainment event, is the place to discover the elements necessary to design and incorporate savvy, effective strategies — successful alternative approaches that include today’s new players and innovative technologies to help deliver products that shape and respond to your audience’s expectations. Turn shift in your favor and evolve in a marketplace that moves forward with or without you. Register now!