Video Age International May 2016

MAIN OFFICES 216 EAST 75TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10021 TEL: (212) 288-3933 FAX: (212) 288-3424 WWW.VIDEOAGE.ORG WWW.VIDEOAGELATINO.COM WWW.VIDEOAGE.IT P.O. BOX 25282 LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 VIALE ABRUZZI 30 20123 MILAN, ITALY YUKARI MEDIA YMI BLDG. 3-3-4, UCHIHIRANOMACHI CHUO-KU, OSAKA JAPAN TEL: (816) 4790-2222 EDITOR DOM SERAFINI EDITORIAL TEAM SHERIF AWAD (MIDDLE EAST) ISME BENNIE (CANADA) ENZO CHIARULLO (ITALY) LUCY COHEN BLATTER ILANA ENGELBERG CARLOS GUROVICH LEAH HOCHBAUM ROSNER SUSAN HORNIK (L.A.) BOB JENKINS (U.K.) AKIKO KOBAYACHI (JAPAN) DAVID SHORT (AFRICA) MARIA ZUPPELLO (BRAZIL) PUBLISHER MONICA GORGHETTO BUSINESS OFFICE LEN FINKEL LEGAL OFFICE ROBERT ACKERMANN, STEVE SCHIFFMAN WEB MANAGER BRUNO MARRACINO DESIGN/LAYOUT CARMINE RASPAOLO ILLUSTRATIONS BOB SHOCHET VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL (ISSN 0278-5013 USPS 601-230) IS PUBLISHED SEVEN TIMES A YEAR: JANUARY, MARCH/APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. PLUS DAILIES BY TV TRADE MEDIA, INC. © TV TRADE MEDIA INC. 2015. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT IN THE U.S., U.K., AND ALL COUNTRIES SIGNATORY TO THE BERNE CONVENTIO AND THE PAN-AMERICAN CONVENTION. SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO VIDEO AGE INTERNATIONAL, 216 EAST 75TH STREET, SUITE PW, NEW YORK, NY 10021, U.S.A. PURSUANT TO THE U.S. COPYRIGHTS ACT OF 1976, THE RIGHTS OF ALL CONTENT DONE ON ASSIGNMENT FOR ALL VIDEOAGE PUBLICATIONS ARE HELD BY THE PUBLISHER OF VIDEOAGE, WHICH COMMISSIONED THEM Features 4. World: Antalya’s TRT screenings 6. Book Review: Silent but never still. The surprisingly loud life of Douglas Fairbanks 38. Mart Review: At MIP- TV Latin and Turkish telenovelas after buyers’ hearts, minds (and wallets) 44. Travel news and calendar of events up until August I’m wondering what’s so special about the good ol’ days. Were video cassettes better than today’s streaming promos? Were sales trips more enjoyable with operator-assisted international sales calls? Page 46 8. U.S. TV pick-ups: beauties ready to fly to the world’s screens 24. Who’s screening and where, at the studios, the InterContinental and around Los Angeles 26. Indie program guide: Finding the gems isn’t always easy, but they are here 30. Sección en Español: 4K TV, Deportes en la TV, ‘Ventanas’ de Programación L.A. Screenings 2016 Cover Stories When FX (foreign exchange) affects bottom lines, effects are visible New programming bets at TCA anticipate the U.S. TV season Int’l TV Distribution Hall of Fame: Michael J. Solomon, a master salesman for Hollywood and marketing genius RETNI N A T OI N A L ww w.Vide gAo .eorg THEBUSINESS JOURNALOF FILM,BROADCASTING,BROADBAND,PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION May2016 -VOL.36NO.4 - $9.75 O ne thing was clear from the recent Television Critics Association (TCA) Press Tour: the U.S. networks are constantly trying to come up with innovative strategies to capture eyeballs, and TCA has become a crystalball for theU.S.TVnetworks’ new seasonbets. Networks’ pilot orders start in December,and theTCAPressTours are in January. By this time, top network executives have a good idea of the direction they’d like to go in and are ready to share their viewswithTVcritics (whoorganize through theirad-hocassociation the twice-yearly TCA tours, the second ofwhich takesplace inJuly),aswell asTV trade journalists. Pitches for the new shows are heard in late July throughOctober. Ifmoved into scripts, firstdraftsare delivered in November with final drafts going in before Christmas. Networks pick up pilots in January AnticipatingTheU.S.Nets’ NewTVProgrammingBets (Continued onPage 22) My 2¢:Wondering what’s so special about the old days SecciónenEspañol: 4K,deportesen laTV, ventanasdeprogramación L.A.Screenings:Who’s screening andwhere around LosAngeles L.A.Screenings:New season’spick-upsare abundantandattractive Page 46 Page 30 Page 24 Page 8 M ichael J. Solomon has been recognized as one of two fathers of the L.A. Screenings (the other is the late Jack Singer). His career spans 60 years, and is still going strongwith his Truli Media. He started with UA inPanama, thenmoved toMCA studios, co-founded Telepictures and, later, headed Lorimar, ending his studiocareeratWarnerBros. MichaelJaySolomon: Int’lTVDistribution HallofFameHonoree (Story onPage 14) (Continued onPage 42) T he recent news that foreign currenciesdepressedDiscovery International’s fourth quarter adjusted cash flow by 16 percent has brought currency exchanges back to the forefront of the international TV business. Many international content sales executiveshold theview, supported by some economists, that exchange ratesamongmaincurrenciesshould beonpar,meaningone-to-one.This is an ideal arrangement and is a win-win situation forall. Governments the world over, however, tend to think theopposite. WhenFXAffects BottomLines, EffectsAreVisible aaaMay_Issue1_2016_R10.indd 1 5/5/16 3:05PM aaaMay_Issue1_2016_R10.indd 3 5/6/16 12:34 PM