Video Age International October 2007

V I D E O A G E • N o. 5 • O c t o b e r 2 0 0 7 Cover stories: Fall full orders serve MIPCOM well Caveat emptor: Take private equity money at your own risk and peril Champagne and caviar await the TV industry in Eastern Europe. Review of Russia, Poland and Serbia Frenetic TV business activities in Latin America pass muster. Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela are investigated 4. World News: Italy, Denmark, U.S., Canada, Turkey. Plus, Letters to the Editor 12. Book Review: The guy on that funny cover is uncle Walt. Disney will not be pleased about this book 16. MIPCOM Preview: It’s only a formality. The full report we’ll never know 18. SPORTEL goes X-treme. What would Prince Albert of Monaco say? 20. Slingbox: TV networks better take this new gizmo seriously 24. Touring the Food Network studios in New York for food and fun 28. German TV not über scrutiny. Achtung: the locusts are landing 30. Peace Arch fighting its own war of independence 32. Family viewing is not dead yet. “G” content makes a comeback 36. Seeing dollar signs at sea with videos. Below-deck entertainment is not what it used to be 47. Cable MSOs fight movie theaters for same day-anddate window 48. Latin America Report: • Argentina’s Jornadas are only about growing pains • Claxson survives lobotomy and grows new limbs • Venezuela post-RCTV: Not too many viewers for “you see yourself” TV • Brazil pay-TV market is not just playing around with the triple-play • Brazil’s TV Globo International moved to São Paolo and Scalamandré explains why • TV Forum Brazil is a winter springboard for entering the market 58. Eastern Europe TV Round-Up: • DISCOP starts the ball rolling • Russia TV has its three Musketeers too • The nouveau riche of Russian TV • Serbian TV is growing after all • Poland loves TV formats • New TV network Puls-ating with joy 66. Calendar of unforgettable events 62. Finally the end. My 2¢ cents of opinion